Rev Rhonda  •  642 days ago
Thank you!
Lerou Silveston  •  986 days ago
Chrissie Hart  •  3103 days ago
The Hungry Jpeg, Please let us know if this typeface (Blenda) is for personal use or commercial use as the description and additional information are contradicting each other. Cheers, Chrissie
TheHungryJPEG THJ  •  3102 days ago
Hi Chrissie I have just replied to your email but for all others, this font is just for personal use. Apologies for any mix-up. Many thanks Hannah
Melissa Radford  •  2040 days ago
I dont see anything under the description and dont see anything about personal use only. TheHungryJpeg, so how do we know which fonts are strictly personal use only? I respect personal use only fonts and dont want to maybe use it for light commercial use in the future if I am not allowed to. Thanks for the clarification.
Mai Erwing  •  2697 days ago
Hi I can't figure out how to use the glyphs. Can someone help me with that?
Melissa Radford  •  2040 days ago
Hi Mai. I love this font and I think I can help. I helped someone else so I thought Id copy most of my comment to them and reply it for you. Your comment is 657 days old so Im not sure if you have figured it out yet. Im on a PC, so I use my Character Map. Do a Google search for How to use swashes in fonts and you will get a slue of pages and videos explaining how to use them. Once you figure it out, its pretty simple. I get to mine by opening character map, selecting the font in the drop down list, leave the Character Set as Unicode, under Group by select Unicode Subrange, a pop up that says Group By should pop up next to your Character Map, then select Private Use Characters. This will bring up all the swashes and ligatures that font has. Click on the letter with the swash or ligature you want and drag or copy and paste it into the program you are using like Photoshop or Paint. Hope this helps.
Mary Lee Parker  •  2565 days ago
Thank you!
Brenda Nicosia  •  3086 days ago
Can't figure out how to add the swoosh to words
Sonia Bochow  •  3089 days ago
Thank you! :)
douglas colmenares  •  3099 days ago
Muchas Gracias!!!
cristi nokes  •  3140 days ago
Thank you!!
nancy cavanaugh  •  3172 days ago
LOVE THIS! Thank you!! Can't wait to play with this!!

Free Font: Blenda

By TheHungryJPEG in Fonts / Script


Additional Information

:  Complete License

:  OTF

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