This lovely skinny tumbler sublimation design is brought to you courtesy of Artisan Craft SVG. This free tumbler sublimation design has a lovely pink marble effect with geometrical gold glitter, adding elegance to this design. It comes in two different sizes: straight and tapered.  20 oz Sublimation Tumbler Design PNG Size - Straight – Size 9.3” x 8.2” - Tapered - Size 9.3 “ x 8.2” This free sublimation tumbler design, just like all the other freebies from TheHungryJPEG, comes with a commercial license, meaning you can download it and use it in your personal projects or for commercial purposes!      FAQ 1. What kind of tumblers can be sublimated? You need to use compatible sublimation blanks that contain a specialized poly coating that interacts with the sublimation dye when heat is applied. 2. Where can I download sublimation designs for tumblers for free? Free sublimation designs for tumblers are available at TheHungryJPEG. 3. Can you epoxy over sublimation? You sure can! Once your sublimated tumbler has cooled, you can add glitter and epoxy just as you would to a regular glitter tumbler. 4. Can you put sublimated tumblers in the dishwasher? Yes, you can! The sublimated coating on the tumblers should hold up for many years of being washed in the dishwasher, but fading over time is normal. For a longer lasting image, place the tumbler on the top rack of the dishwasher and as far away from the heating element as possible. 5. How do I download the free tumbler sublimation design? Once you've checked out using your account, you may download it as many times as you like by logging into your account on and locating the Purchases icon. 6. What is the best temperature for sublimation? The best temperature for sublimation printing is 380 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (193 to 205°C).
Chloé Beaulne  •  1201 days ago
Thank you for this gorgeous design !

Free Tumbler Sublimation Design

By TheHungryJPEG in Crafters / Sublimation


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:  Complete License

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