Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.
If you're looking for cute clipart of the nativity, this is it! Perfect for the Advent season or telling the story of Christmas, this set features the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, a shepherd with his sheep, an angel with the Star of Bethlehem, three wise men (/Magi/kings), and a donkey - and of course, the stable they were all in!
This clip art set is perfect for a teacher, librarian, daycare, Bible school, Sunday school, or anyone needing to create a storybook setting. Put them on fliers, a handout, coloring pages - there's a variety of uses with them!
Included in this collection:
12 Clip Art Elements
High Resolution - 300 DPI - PNG format on a transparent background
Danika Cooley • 2660 days ago
THANK YOU for making a nativity set! I would LOVE it if you'd consider making other Bible story sets! :)
Lisa Moore • 2660 days ago
I'm so glad you like it! Yes, I am actually planning a whole series! If you have any specific story requests just let me know. :)
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