Millennials Font Family

By anmark in Fonts / Display


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Hello! I’m pleased to introduce my new display hand drawn font family Millennials! Millennials comes in 5 styles: regular, black, outline, outline black and decorative. You can combine those variations to make stunning designs and create a unique look. This font best uses for headings, flyer, poster, greeting cards, product packaging, book cover, printed quotes, logotype, apparel design, album covers, etc. You will receive: 5 OTF files; 5 TTF files; 5 Woff and 5 Woff2 (for web usage) files. Each of the font variations include 240 glyphs: uppercase, lowercase, numbers and punctuation marks. In addition to English, the Millennials font supports main European Languages and it had cyrillic letters. If you have any questions please let me know! I hope you'll enjoy it!
June Rockwell  •  2623 days ago
Did you design it to appeal to millennials?
Anna Markovets  •  2622 days ago
No. I am close to the aesthetics of this generation.
June Rockwell  •  2626 days ago
Did you name the font after the Millennial generation or got inspired by them?
Anna Markovets  •  2624 days ago
Hello! Thank you for the question! I named the font after the Millennials generation. This generation is also called Yllo (Young Liberty Love). It seems to me that "Young Liberty Love" is very peculiar to my font too.
Millennials Black
Millennials Decorative
Millennials OutlineBlack
Millennials Outline

Millennials Font Family

By anmark in Fonts / Display


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing