Logo Floral Kit - The fastest and easiest way to create stunning and unique floral logos and laurels in minutes!
With this Logo Floral Kit you can create stunning and original floral logos, wreaths, laurels, borders, frames, wedding print packs and other designs in minutes to amaze your clients.
Download and test a FREE SAMPLE of the Logo Floral Kit
For a very low price you will receive 30 Brushes and 30 Text combinations which you can combine to your desires and obtain a wide range of floral designs. Pair these with 15 stunning Floral Seamless Patters for integrated solutions! To make it even easier and quicker for you, the package also includes 30 Pre-Made Logos you can customize to fit your needs. Usually you can purchase these logos at a price between $5 and $15 per piece, however using this Logo Floral Kit you can save time and money and impress your clients. Get the package now for the amazing price of $13!
You can use the Logo Floral Kit to create invites, greeting cards, menus, envelopes, business cards, t-shirts, bags, packages, phone cases, prints, textiles or any other designs flowerly themed.
Vector - All Logos, Brushes, Texts and Patters are vectors, so you can resize them as you want and maintain the same excellent quality.
Brush Based - You can easily apply Brushes on any shape and create unique logos. The steps to do this are explained in a user guide inside the main download file.
Free Download Fonts - All fonts used in this pack are free for download. Links are included in the user guide.
Font Pairing - All texts are paired so you don’t have to worry about the fonts combinations and sizes.
Font Arrangements - You don’t need to search how to type on a shape, it’s already done. You just need to change the words with your own.
Organized Files and Folders - All the files are named accordingly and all the folders are well organized, so that you will find everything very quickly.
Extended License Included - Using the Logo Floral Kit you can create and sell logos on other sites or to your clients, however you cannot sell this pack as it is.
30 Ready to Use Logos - Just change the existing text to adjust it to your needs.
30 Brushes - Every Brush is digitally drawn in Illustrator by hand. You can apply these on any shapes with rounded corners or to straight or curved lines.
30 Text Combinations - All Texts are paired and arranged so you can be sure about the fonts combinations, sizes and typing on paths.
15 Seamless Patterns - All patters are vector made and were created to math the brushes design. Also the patters are saved individually in 400x400px PNG format.
User Guide file with links and tutorials.
This Kit can only be used in Adobe Illustrator CS5 or newer!!!
If you need help or have questions don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be glad to help you!
Download and test a FREE SAMPLE of the Logo Floral Kit
Tori Cashin • 2526 days ago
Are the fonts you provide the download for free for commercial use?
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