?Happy Halloween Watercolor Bundle
With this file you will able to create awesome and unique any type of designs with cute hand-drawn Halloween watercolor Characters, Illustrations, Bats, Floral Elements, Sweets, Pumpkin, Candy, Hats, Ribbons, Spider's web and much more graphics for DIY designs. . Watercolor paintings scanned at high resolution and have transparent background.
You can also get unlimited and great designs using them together. Perfect graphic for DIY projects, cards, wedding invitations, greeting cards, identity, packaging design, cases, photos, posters, bags, wallart, logos, quotes, blogs, website, banners and more.
INCLUDED (all files are 300 dpi)
over 75 x Separate Halloween watercolor elements in PNG with transparent background, Size (larger side)approx.: 3600 - 900 px
12 Digital Papers in JPG format Size: 12" x 12" 3600x3600 px
This Halloween Watercolor Bundle alsow includes 3 products from my shop:
Halloween watercolor pumpkins (
Halloween Watercolor Ribbon Banners (
Halloween Watercolor Creation Kit (
You can fined more my $1 Deals on TheHungryJPEG here: -
Karen Williams • 2640 days ago
these are fabulous thank you
Dona Walker • 2691 days ago
OMGoodness!!! I love this bundle so much. Thank you !!! My planner is going to be soooo cute for the whole month of October.
ANGELA FULLER • 2784 days ago
Love it - Thanks. If you do more and include colorful witches' feet and a black cauldron, I'd love to add them to my collection!
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