This incredible set was inspired by passionate burgundy flowers combined with delicate roses. This is exactly the same as a crafty fox combined with gentle roses or a blue-eyed wolf combined with tender roses. You will find this set completely unusual. This set is perfect for daring projects. You can use it to produce posters, fabrics, wallpapers and many other products.
The package includes 38 PNG transparent of a watercolor flowers, dust rose, twigs, protea, wolf, fox, dahlia, berries and others....
6 PNG transparent frames and wreath
3 PNG seamless transparent high-quality patterns of flowers and twigs .
3 PNG transparent seamless border.
18 PNG bouquets with flowers, foxes and wolf.
2 PNG watercolor backgrounds
Greeting Cards
And so much more..
I hope you enjoy NADI SPASIBENKO SHOP!
• 2200 days ago
I absolutely love this selection! Could it please be added to an existing bundle or included in a new bundle? Gorgeous artwork!
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