Positive greeting quotes and flourish a unique selection of positive lettering phrases and beautiful curls help you create a beautiful greeting cards, wonderful invitations, dashboards and stickers for your holidays or wedding. It`s includes vector and rastes phrases: I Am Happy, Choose Happy, Happy Birthday, Thank you, Congratulations, Just Smile, Big Dream, Home Sweet Home, Best Of The Best, Like Me, Smile, Congrats, Thinking Of You, Good Morning, Sweet Dreams, Let`s Go, Love Is All, Be Positive, Stay Strong, Thanks Giving, Never Stop, With Love, Woo Hoo, Hip Hooray, All The Best, Do What You Love, Happy Holiday, Phrases in EPS, AI, SVG and PNG format.
Positive greeting calligraphy quotes and flourish perfect for T-shirt, photo overlays, print on a mug, greeting cards, gift tags, wonderful invitations cards, dashboards and stickers, art prints and posters, packages, on a pillow, on a packages and other souvenir items, as well as for Valentines projects, wedding, baby shower invitation cards, wall art, logo, web and blog designs, scrapbooking, Pinterest, Instagram, for other social media, online shops!
This quotes and flourishes is written in the vector and looks very beautiful in any decor. All elements can be repainted in any color according to your desire.
this is a digital download quotes in AI, EPS, SVG, PNG format. No physical product will be mailed to you.
40 positive calligraphic phrases (AI, EPS, SVG, PNG)
5 calligraphy flourishes (AI, EPS, SVG, PNG)
Spring lettering & floral clipart
Flowers Letters watercolor alphabet
Soft vintage Scandinavian Decor Font
Need help? Do not hesitate to contact me: sgarmony@
Leland Hall • 2531 days ago
Looks great! What is the font "Be Positive" is written in? Or does it exist?
Galyna Tymonko • 2531 days ago
Hi, Leland!
It`s not a font, it`s handwritten calligraphy inscription.
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