School days-clipart+lettering

By astartejulia in Graphics / Illustrations


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Hi everyone! I present to you a School days-clipart+lettering - a big collection of school elements, patterns and lettering posters. The set includes hand-drawn items such as books, rules, pens, bubbles, letters, leaves and etc. This set is a good choice for your projects and for decorating your celebration. And you can use it for party invitations, flyer, cards, gift cards, tags, labels, stickers, header images. You will also get 6 seamless patterns. They perfectly decorate the surface of any product and can serve as a design for wallpaper. You will receive the following: 88 clipart elements 6 seamless patterns 49 lettering phrases All PNG files are 300 ppi on transparent background. Each element and lettering have black and white version. Please note: lettering is not editable! Thanks so much for looking and please contact me if you have any questions
Don Brand  •  2417 days ago
What is the name of the "School Days" font, please?

School days-clipart+lettering

By astartejulia in Graphics / Illustrations


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing