Concreate - display font

By Tubagus Iqbal T in Fonts / Display


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  Yes


--INTRODUCING-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Concreate** is an experimental display font based on sans serif Inspired by classic film posters bring us to ancient ambience with modern touch and strong for any header branding logos and any designs project! please enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Files include : - **Concreate** (OTF,TTF) - **Concreate** *Outline* (OTF,TTF) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Diacrtics* : ЊÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝžàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ **FEATURES** Uppercase / lowercase / Outlines / Numbers & Punctuation / Foreign Language Support **USE** *Concreate* works great in any branding, films, magazines, header, logos. The different styles give you option to explore a whole host of applications, while the outline fonts give a real modern feel to any ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also check my latest script and sans products:  - (Wisheslight - handwritten font) - (BRANCHE - display font) if you have any issues regarding my file. Please let me know through email (typobureaustudio@ or I’m glad to help you :) Thank you ! *Tubagus Iqbal T* on behalf ** TypoBureau Studio **
Concreate Fill
Concreate Outline
Concreate Fill
Concreate Outline

Concreate - display font

By Tubagus Iqbal T in Fonts / Display


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  Yes