Valentins Script + Bonus 2 Font

By Khurasan in Fonts / Script


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Introducing the Valentins with two different style, regular, slant and bonus Welcome 2019 script font & Memory of 2018 script font. You can combine to get amazing results. Valentins it’s perfect for namecard, poster, logo, magazine, cover, banner, tshirt and headers, or even large-scale artwork.. Features: OpenType Features Uppercase & Lowercase Numeral & Punctuation PUA Encoded Multilingual support ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇEÈÉÊËIÌÍÎÏNÑOØÒÓÔÕÖUÙÜÚÛWYÝŸ?ŸÆ Stylistic alternates with number 1 or 2 after lowercase (only working for photoshop, illustrator & corel draw) Files included: Valentins (otf & ttf) Valentins Slant (otf & ttf) Bonus Welcome 2019 (otf & ttf) Bonus Memory of 2018(otf & ttf) Thank you for checking and i hope you enjoy it. Always put your heart into it and don't worry to try. I hope you have as much fun using it as i did making it Khurasan mail support:
Valentins Slant
Memory of 2018
Welcome 2019

Valentins Script + Bonus 2 Font

By Khurasan in Fonts / Script


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing