Modern mock up with fern shadows on blue background

By NataAr in Graphics / Mock Ups


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Minimalistic scene modern mock up with fern shadows on textured blue background. YOU WILL RECEIVE:  - 1 psd file editable with a smart layer (5660x3749, 300 dpi) - 1 jpg with white blanks to add a design without photoshop FEATURES: You can move and hide object Great for Etsy, Instagram, and your stylish shop The background is on a separate layer and you can easily replace it with another Shadow overlay can be removed or added Shown design for example and not included in the set Feel free to reach out to me with any question and I'll be grateful for the feedback or suggestions.  Thank you!      

Modern mock up with fern shadows on blue background

By NataAr in Graphics / Mock Ups


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing