Beauty Signature, the handwritten signature font
It's look natural and real writing by yourself, that give an
authentication for every need. Pair with extra 46 handwritten ligatures
and 26 underline swashes to make your design more catchy and gorgeous.
Great to applied on your personal stuffs, such a wedding cards, your
blogs or website, crafting, social media posts, and also looks great to
improve your business logos, branding, magazine layout, and for any kind
of promotion stuffs.
Features :
Contains standard basic character set : uppercase, lowercase, numeric and symbols
Extra 46 ligatures (al ar br cr ch dd cl er el ir at att et ll ht
ett co as es is it il ff gg gh gr ee mn ng nt ol or of th tr tt ot pp pr
ss st sh sr ur us ut )
Extra 26 underline swashes
Easy to use, make sure your software has the opentype capabilities.
Files :
Beauty Signature OTF, TTF WOFF
Beauty Signature Swash Line OTF, TTF, WOFF
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