8 mockup images

By AleFairyland in Graphics / Mock Ups


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Welcome to Alefairyland, In a zip file you will receive 8 mock up images, in JPEG,  without samples. Images size: 2480x3508 pix, 8,3 x 11,7 inch, 21x29,7 cm. Resolution 300 dpi. Frame size: 6,4 x 8,5 inch, 12 x 22 cm    
Anita Roberts   •  2775 days ago
Please help - I am new with mock-ups but I've purchased these and can't get the words 'You're Artwork Here' off the mock-up so I can place my design and share...what am I doing wrong?
Aleksandra Misic  •  2771 days ago
Dear Anita, thank you for purchasing. The mock ups you purchased are all flat images with no layers. It`s easy to use them. You just have to put your design (image) over the mock-up image and that is how it is done. Simple and easy. The text disappears, right? If you didn´t understand, just send me a message on my profile and explain which program you are using, so I can try to help.
Aleksandra Misic  •  3056 days ago
@The Art Of Creativity S - Thank you very much for purchasing my work and for taking time to leave a kind comment. I am really grateful for it. Enjoy and have a great day.
Shirl Collings  •  3057 days ago
Awesome, thanks

8 mockup images

By AleFairyland in Graphics / Mock Ups


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing