Detailed Floral Frame SVG file

By Tatiana Cociorva Designs in Add Ons / Actions

$1.00 $2.00 -50%

Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Introducing Detailed Floral Frame, a detailed floral papercut wreath, with wild flowers and leaves. You can use it for scrapbooking, card making, home decorations or digital designs, and watch as it brings a touch of nature's splendor to your artistic endeavors. Detailed Floral Frame is in SVG, EPS, PNG and DXF formats, with fewer cutting points for a faster cutting process.

Detailed Floral Frame SVG file

By Tatiana Cociorva Designs in Add Ons / Actions

$1.00 $2.00 -50%

based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing