Forestelly familly + swashes

By Font Girl in Fonts / Script


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  OTF

Forestelly comes in two font styles - normal and bold (you get 2 fonts for one price) and 23 left and right flourish swatches for both versions. Normal style is more modern and looks beautiful especially in bigger font sizes - it's great for both screen and print. Bold style has more calligraphy look. Swatches are in separate font and therefore are very easy to use in any software (like MS Word). You don't need any advanced software with open type features to use those beautiful swashes! Open type features (in software like Illustrator, Indesign or Photoshop) come handy when you want to use ligatures though. Yes, both styles of Forestelly are full of ligatures like ff, th, tl, fl, mn, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee... Basically when there are 2 of the same letters next to each other, your software uses a ligature so those 2 letters looks not exactly the same which gives your text more realistic "hand written" look. 23 left swashes + 23 right swashes = 529 unique combinations! Main Features of Forestelly: - Regular and Bold Style Swashes Ligatures International Characters What you get:  Forestelly Regular font Forestelly Bold font Forestelly Regular Swashes font Forestelly Bold Swashes font Swash Guide
Lynn Tjerne  •  1574 days ago
lower case letters like f,g,j,p,q,y cut off!!!!!!
Lisanne Bijl  •  2101 days ago
Like in the font preview on this page, I am having trouble with the letters like lowercase f,g,j,p,q,y. It cuts of the bottom of the letter unfortunately. It is such a beautiful font, but doesn't work great for me.
Forestelly Bold
Forestellyswashes Bold

Forestelly familly + swashes

By Font Girl in Fonts / Script


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  OTF