:::::::::::::::::: WHAT THE ZIPs FILEs CONTAINS :::::::::::::::::::::
[ ] pre-made design [Zip size 314 Mb] ::::
3 vertical psd designs (file size at list 1725x2325, 300 dpi)
Teddies couple horizontal design 3098x2177px
Cute Teddy design 3370x2365 px
layered psd creator 2388x2822px (9 jpeg included)
[ ] PNG elements [Zip size 50,8 Mb] ::::
40 files with transparent png elements
[ ] eps LOGO [Zip size 16,2 Mb] ::::
4 files eps (png are included)
[ ] 15 Post-card designs [Zip size 712,7 Mb] :::: layered psd 2140x2949 px, 300 dpi (jpeg included)
[ ] Seamless patterns [Zip size 1,11 Mb] ::::
17 watercolor patterns:
2 creators psd 3381?×?3267px, 3600?×?3600 px, 11 jpeg Floral patterns:
3 eps, png are included BONUS patterns:
8 png ,1 eps with 8 patterns icons for ILLUSTRATOR PREMIUM patterns:
3 eps, png included 8 paper backgrounds 3600x3600px
[ ] BEARS [Zip size 105,9 Mb] ::::
12 png
[ ] WREATHS [Zip size 110 Mb] ::::
6 png
3 psd
1 layered creator psd
Papers [Zip size 265 Mb] ::::
10 texture
1 creator 2140x2949 px
Software Compatibility Raster files: PNG files can be opened with most photo editing software – please check your software for compatibility. To open the PSD pre-designed scenes Adobe Photoshop CS3 or newer is required
Most of my product sets are packed with many different graphics, so in some instances you will be able to create several different commercial projects from just one
If you will have any questions please give me a shot on the private message !!
Subscribe me on my website to get news of my new products,
sales and FREEBIES If you run into any problems or need any help, please let me know.
With love, Alisa /Mikibith-art/! website:
RHIAN LLEWELLYN • 2947 days ago
Hi I love this teddy bear design, and I usually just print cards & invites but would love to be able to print onto mugs, can someone let me know how I can do this?
anne schell • 2971 days ago
I love these bears, but I have no idea what you do with this? Do you print the designs? Are they for silhouettes? I'm totally confused.
Sorry I'm a little new at this
Alisa Mikibith Art • 2971 days ago
Hi Anne!
I thing that Teddy-bears will looks great at the covers for notebooks or planners, greeting cards and others. All PSD elements are RGB and suitable for the print. Also there are a lot of patterns which you can use at any project as you want (also T-SHIRTs, textile print and others) .. I had aded some examples on the previous , but yo can do your own designs with elements, patterns and bears. I hope you enjoy using the set! Happy creating! :)
Nora Riojas • 2973 days ago
I can not download the files,
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Alisa Mikibith Art • 2972 days ago
Hello! I'd asked you at the PM!
Mark Cross • 2975 days ago
Love it, cant wait till i get to work with it in some projects, thx :-)
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