Jhelio Brush Font

By MissinkLab Studio in Fonts / Script

$1.20 $12.00 -90%

Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  Yes


pams spam  •  2770 days ago
8-12-2017 Hello, I bought this product and downloaded it. Both files are OTF yet one says TTF. The TTF will not open and crashes the windows font program. Also the file states its OTF despite the folder name TTF. I'm a newbie so maybe I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions are appreciaated. Thank you for your time.
pams spam  •  2770 days ago
Hello, I bought this product and downloaded it. Both files are OTF yet one says TTF. I'm a newbie so maybe I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions ? Thank you for your time.
Mini Singh  •  2857 days ago
unable to install this font. pls help
Mini Singh  •  2857 days ago
im unable to install this font. the font book says 1 serious error, do not install!!

Jhelio Brush Font

By MissinkLab Studio in Fonts / Script

$1.20 $12.00 -90%

based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  Yes