Cute Animals

By GRAPHOBIA in Graphics / Illustrations


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Watercolor hand painted neatly Cute Animals Clipart -PNG, and PSD formats. It is hand crafted clip art watercolor painted on paper first then scanned and cropped in the individual pictures ... which would look beautiful on any project. Good texture! PNG image isolated so that it works with the background color, but white will look your best! High resolution (400 dpi) .png, .psd files! Picture size @ 400 dpi. PNGs have isolated image without white background. Pictures will not have any watermark. JPG has a white background. The file will be compressed in ZIP format. Not included fonts. zip file contains: 27 cute animals collection 3000x3000px, 400dpi (PNG, PSD) 6 leaves and flowers 2500x2500px, 400dpi (PNG, PSD) Personal and Small Business Craft mass reproduction -Not only please! -Contact me if interested bulk licenses. -Please combines images to your own design -Do not sell or resell images such as clipart -Do not share or artwork claim as yours, thanks! You can use this to your creative needs of small business and private use and for teachers. Imagine how neat it will be seen on invitations, stickers, greeting cards, digital scrap books, websites or blogs and anything else you can conjure up! Cafepress and other print on demand for personal use only. Not to be sold as clip art or collages set. Do not share this art, thanks a guy :)) Copyright is not transferable with the sale, the credit and link to my store is always appreciated! I hope you enjoy my work. If you have any questions, please contact me. iGRAPHOBIA Warm Regards always ... All pictures © 2017 iGRAPHOBIA Thank you very much..... :))
Toni Jonckheere  •  2300 days ago
Hello Young Man.. are you saying we can not use these on zazzle or cafe press .. on t-shirt or cards? so on? Thank you kindly for your time your animals are very cute..
iswadi basri  •  2300 days ago
Yes, I recommend about all that, you can use it anywhere

Cute Animals

By GRAPHOBIA in Graphics / Illustrations


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing