Hysteria Brush
Hysteria Brush comes with upper and lowercase characters, punctuation glyphs, numerals, web font, and supports international languages. Stylistic sets for several key lower case characters are also available. Perfect for logo marks, typographic quotes over photos, book covers and packaging design.
The subset of Hysteria Brush Regular in this kit supports the following languages: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Dutch, English, Finnish, Frisian, Galician, German, Italian, Malagasy, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
Also supports in program, Adobe IllustratorCS, Adobe IllustratorCc, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw X version, Microsoft Word
File include:
Hysteria BrushBrush .otf
Hysteria Brush. ttf
Hysteria Brush. Web Fonts (eot, svg, woff)
Character Map (Unicode)
Mail support : If you have any question, please contact me Via e-mail :
Mateja Purgar • 2490 days ago
This font is gorgeous. I wish it included letter ??, it would have made it so much more useful for me.
marisol cumbe • 2763 days ago
Could include in some future update for Hysteria Sans latin fonts á é í ó ú ñ ? thank lovely fonts
Bookery • 2805 days ago
Forever is composed of NOWS
Rosemarie ScottGriffiths • 2813 days ago
This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you so much. I can afford a beautiful font!!!!
doodle AJ • 2832 days ago
Beautiful font! Wish it would include the German letter ß (+ Hysteria Sans the letters ö, ü and ä)!
doodle AJ • 2834 days ago
Very nice font! Wish it would include the German letters ß, ü, ö, and ä!
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