10 Broken Glass Textures Mock-up

By DesignSomething in Graphics / Mock Ups


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  3000 x 3000

:  PSD

10 Broken Glass Overlay Textures Works perfect with black and white or gray images. 1 Photoshop file for CS4+ 10 diffrent overlays texture Photoshop Smart Objects for replacing artwork Easy to replace with your images Well Layered and Organized Dimension 3000 x 2000px / 300 dpi All IMAGES are NOT INCLUDED
Tanja Crouch  •  2483 days ago
You mention the Broken Glass textures work perfect on B&W or gray--what about on a color image? I'm making a poster for one of my classes and what it too look like someone punched the picture frame and shattered the glass, but the image behind the glass will be color. Just wondering.... Thanks, Tanja

10 Broken Glass Textures Mock-up

By DesignSomething in Graphics / Mock Ups


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  3000 x 2000

:  PSD