The Wallington Pro

By Zeune Ink Foundry in Fonts / Serif


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing


Wallington Pro consists of 721 glyphs including 268 unique ligatures, 30+ catchwords and 10 stylistic sets. All glyphs are divided into several OpenType features such as Ligatures, Contextual alternates, Old Style Numeric and some astonishing special characters that allows you to mix and match pairs of letters to fit your design. This variety encourages unusual and extroverted creation in lettering design. The typeface offers numerous combination possibilities between the basic glyph set and stylistic stylistic sets are alternate alphabets that you can access by using OpenType savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CC, CorelDraw and Adobe InDesign. Do not use any third party software that not support the OTF (Open Type Format) feature. Wallington is an experimental and versatile font. Suitable for digital lettering, prints, logo, poster, t-shirt, packaging and applicable for some type of graphic Proudly Crafted in Bandung, Indonesia. See more glyphs and demo here : Wallington Pro also available in web fonts including .eot .svg .ttf .woff *.woff2 Don't forget to watch the Wallington Opentype demo in Adobe Illustrator here : Follow Zeune ink Foundry and stay in touch on our page to get more updates : For any support, just drop me a line at foundry@ Cheers!
Cathy Dickman  •  2402 days ago
I have the Wallington Pro font from the July Jumbo Bundle is there an update to this font for the PUA encoded version ??
Ithar Ghada Faied  •  2683 days ago
So Beautiful!
Zeune Ink Foundry   •  2679 days ago
Thanks Ithar! :)
Wallington SC Regular
Wallington Pro Regular
Wallington Pro
Wallington SC

The Wallington Pro

By Zeune Ink Foundry in Fonts / Serif


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing