
By Pollem.Co in Fonts / Script


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:  Complete License, Single seat
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Hedgehog is a script font that has the characteristic wedding, it is very suitable to make certain label and event business and you could be using for a unique piece. The alternative characters in hedgehog Font were divided into several OpenType features such as Stylistic Alternates, Stylistic and Ligature. The OpenType features can be accessed by using OpenType savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. FEATURE:              * Hedgehog.OTF              * Hedgehog.TTF              * Hedgehog font web   Thanks for looking and purchasing.
Karen Porter  •  3252 days ago
Is it possible to use the additional swash features using Photoshop? The links you posted below are only for Illustrator, not Photoshop. The only option under the Open Type menu is Standard Ligatures. I'm guessing this is not possible with Photoshop.
muhammad nur  •  3252 days ago
Karen P @ note the tutorial below for those of you who use photoshop. * By using with Adobe Photoshop (PS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BScPsiubM1k * By using Adobe Illustrator (AI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5XTaWYwWA4 * For other programs that does not support OpenType features or Glyphs panel such as Photoshop, you can use the Character Map in Windows to access the alternate characters; simply follow this tutorial - https://youtu.be/BScPsiubM1k
Karen Porter  •  3250 days ago
Got it. Thanks! The other links earlier in the comments did not show this. Helps a lot. Thanks again.
Sandee Sparks  •  3271 days ago
Can I use this with my silhouette without Adobe photoshop or other Photoshops?
muhammad nur  •  3270 days ago
Sandee S@ can use the character map desktop app.
helen little  •  3279 days ago
Lovely font. How do I get the curly bits in Illustrator. I looked in glyphs. Thanks
muhammad nur  •  3279 days ago
This is a tutorial OpenType tutorial photoshop ; https://youtu.be/geSRq_ibNWc tutorial Adobe illustrator; https://youtu.be/geSRq_ibNWc
Alicia Reedy  •  3286 days ago
Love this font, but how do you add the swirl to the end of the letter?
muhammad nur  •  3285 days ago
Hi Alicia, The alternative characters in hedgehog Font were divided into several OpenType features such as Stylistic Alternates, Stylistic and Ligature. The OpenType features can be accessed by using OpenType savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign.
Tracie Page  •  3287 days ago
This is such a beautiful font. Can I use it on an iPad?
muhammad nur  •  3287 days ago
can. but requires a third-party application.
Lorie Long  •  3295 days ago
Can these be used with Brother Scan-n-Cut?
Kiana Fitzpatrick  •  3304 days ago
Can you tell me, can I get the stylisitic pieces using Photoshop??
muhammad nur  •  3304 days ago
Hi kiana This is a tutorial OpenType tutorial photoshop ; https://youtu.be/geSRq_ibNWc tutorial Adobe illustrator; https://youtu.be/geSRq_ibNWc
Becky Drin  •  3311 days ago
Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can't get the swirly portion of this font. Advice?
muhammad nur  •  3311 days ago
@Becky D I do not understand what you mean.. could be more explanation ?
Isabelle de Wit  •  3305 days ago
Hi Becky, The alternative characters in hedgehog Font were divided into several OpenType features such as Stylistic Alternates, Stylistic and Ligature. The OpenType features can be accessed by using OpenType savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign.
Dianne Self  •  3310 days ago
Thank you for this beautiful font.
muhammad nur  •  3309 days ago
@Dianne S thank you
Char Sethman  •  3310 days ago
Can this be used for silhouette cutting? New to this and I have only bought svg files so far
muhammad nur  •  3310 days ago
@Char S yes u ken


By Pollem.Co in Fonts / Script


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  Yes