STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD You devoted so much time developing your products but feel overwhelmed when it comes to displaying your work. With so many products available it’s important to make yours stand out from the crowd. Taking the time to produce high quality, beautiful and professional photos that compliment your work may seem a bit much but Ollie has your back. You take care of what you do best, developing your products and creating gorgeous designs, and let Miss Ollie take care of the perfect photos to display your work.
Miss Ollie is your best friend when it comes to styling your brand, offering high quality, professional photography. Elegant and feminine with a touch of pretty Miss Ollie styled stock photos are made to make you stand out and achieve a professional and cohesive look through your online presence. Make your business shine and transform your brand in style, get the attention your business deserves.
professionally styled and photographed card mockup high resolution .jpeg file measurements approximately 4500x3000 pixels detailed .pdf instructions on how to insert your design TERMS AND CONDITIONS This photo comes with non-exclusive license that allows you (purchaser) to use photos for personal and professional projects. You may use the photo multiple times online or for your printed materials. You may overlay the photo with your text, prints or other digital products. You may not sell, alter, give away, transfer, distribute or loan the photo in any form to a third party. You do not own the exclusive rights, Miss Ollie shop remains the exclusive owner. You accept terms and conditions by purchasing this photo.
NOTE This photo is a downloadable file no physical product will be send to you. Your file will come without any watermarks.
If you have any questions just send me a message, I am happy to help
Mabel Forsyth • 2888 days ago
Hi there
is the file supplied in layers?
I need to be able to move elements around
many thanks
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