Patriotic America Clip Art

By EvgeniiasArt in Graphics / Illustrations


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  5000 cm x 5000 cm


With this file you will able to create awesome and unique cards, logos and any type of designs with cute hand-drawn Patriotic America elements. Watercolor paintings scanned at high resolution and have transparent background. You can also get great designs using them together for 4th July, Independence day, Patriot day or Labor day. INCLUDED (all files are 300 dpi) 40 x Separate elements in PNG with transparent background, 11 x banners with sunglasses and watercolor silhouette of the city in JPEG with transparent background width size aprox.: 5000px You can fined more my $1 Deals on TheHungryJPEG here:  - 
Karen Hall  •  2005 days ago
Is there any way I can purchase this? I don't see it anywhere else, at any price.

Patriotic America Clip Art

By EvgeniiasArt in Graphics / Illustrations


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  5000 x 5000 cm