Sweet cat set

By ZapolzunArt in Graphics / Illustrations


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat
*Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  PNG

The Sweet Cat Set contains 33 transparent high-resolution PNGs in 300dpi: 10 different cat's poses, sizes are about 2300px 9 hand-drawn phrases helping in greeting cards and stickers, sizes are 1000px in average 3 speech bubbles of different shapes 11 homie/cat's stuff like box, cactus, pillows, fur ball, mouse toy, butterflies, fly, celebrating cap and a bowl. You can see and use files with any PNG compatible software. Happy creating!
Maggie Weir  •  1493 days ago
Your art is wonderful - on Instagram as well as here. It doesn't work for what I need specifically (I am looking for outlines/line art,) but I dearly wish I could use it, because it is fantastic!

Sweet cat set

By ZapolzunArt in Graphics / Illustrations


based on reviews


Additional Information

:  Complete License, Single seat

  *Please contact us for multi-seat licensing

:  PNG