Thank you for visiting My Cotton Blossom at The Hungry JPEG. We fully believe in giving back to the community. The day I learned that my grandmother had picked cotton as a young girl to earn extra money changed my life, because I knew that my family on my grandfather's side of the family had been cotton plantation owners at one point. How could two completely different people be in such deep love? I could not understand it at the time. But then again, I was about 7 years old. Years passed and that piece of history stuck with me. Now my passion is design and I share that passion with my customers and in my art. I have a passion, and it runs deep through the blood in my veins. One day, I started thinking. I was thinking about cotton. All the wonderful ways it gives back to us. Shirts. Underwear. Honest Sanitary Napkins (not a plug, totally came up in my Google Search earlier lol), stretch jeans... the list goes on. The fact is: Cotton. Gives. Back. It simply gives back to us. My grandparents believe in treating others as though you would have them treat you. So to honor that, My Cotton Blossom also gives back. We give back on a monthly basis to someone in need. It might be a new local women's shelter, a family in need of a helping hand, a round of coffee and muffins for the homeless, or something similar. The fact of the matter is: My Cotton Blossom Gives Back. When you make a purchase with My Cotton Blossom you are making a purchase for your community as well. Know someone who could use a helping hand? Contact us today to have them considered.